Friday, 5 December 2014


          My nation Nigeria has been torn between the ethnic, religious and interest lines. Everybody wants the piece of the national cake, without wanting to contribute to making it bigger, sweeter and better. Sadly, the giant crawls when she has the potential of a supersonic train... how did we get here? what pains me more is the fact that a lot of people have given up; have lost hope ( e reach to sha!)

           However,we cry of the nature of the country, but what would be its fate if we all lose hope? how shall we stand again if we refuse to put our hands together to build the nation we want to see? if you tell me corruption has been institutionalized, while don't we begin to represent an alternative society with the right set of believes.
          when I sit back to watch the scenes of the various bombings and the response of the centre, the fact that girls that could have been my sister have been away from home for weeks, the politicizing of issues of national interest instead of working together to make things better, the worst of excuses being given for happenings and the nature of the church intended to restore balance! is their still hope? the relevance of our black gold dwindles as an alternative shale quality continues to gain grounds, we do not have light but lighten the skies with gas flares... what is the future for the children with a present like this and the past that we hear about( when my lecturers talk about the school they went to , you wonder maybe its the same you school you know about or you are going to ). Are we going back or forward? what is my fate? is the question in this situation?
          But this is my fate, one that I have chosen to follow as a path irrespective of what others are doing. To begin an influence sphere from my immediate environment of those who value their nation and are pumping with patriotism. To work had to be  among the best in my field, to make my nation proud in the community of nations. Work with children to build an ideology that respects the rights of others, love, hardwork, rule of law, value system that will cause transformation - give them something to stand for; so that other things just come to sweep them off their feet. walking against the tide is always difficult, but it is better I die trying than not making any effort at all. My fate , which I have chosen is to become a nation builder, starting with my immediate environment - community.
         Moreover,I give a clarion call of encouragement to every believer to rise up and join to make this nation better. An avalanche of reasons abound not to,  but let us fan the embers of hope, love and peace. I may not be able to feel your individual pains,but collectively we can make for collective gains. let us look beyond party, religious and ethnic lines and fight the battle to maintain sanity and progress together. The best way to fight a culture, is to bring a superior culture.... hence I encourage you to fight corruption with honesty, fight violence with peace, fight illiteracy with efforts towards literacy. Nigeria is our own and not my own, but when we look at it from the we ,you will see you. We can do this together, we can change the course already in motion....things will be well.
       yes, we are all in this together! You are not alone in this fight. Do not get discouraged. I am a Nigerian, not ashamed to be called one and will make every effort to ensure that my passport gets every respect it deserves. I am Opeyemi,A nation builder with a heart to cause change;we can do this together.

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