Thursday, 3 September 2015


I have gotten used to people calling me bias because I do not see things from their point of view. Especially when it comes to issues pertaining to my dear country: love for this nation knows no bounds and no label will deny me the privilege of expressing my developmental sentiments.

The experiences of a typical Nigerian have been tainted by the maligned thought patterns that spread around like oxygen and hence almost every sect has a mind-set on how the nation should be run. Little wonder, at almost every gathering, there is hardly a unified appreciation of the present situation (Oya!tell me it happens everywhere...but my business is here, so my discussion is based here).


That said! We all agree that things are not exactly well with the nation. You do not need special lenses to see that Nigeria is a nation with unique prospects. However, we are in a period where we have to stop stereotypes and deal with developmental issues. One of the major problems we have over time is that we see national development via the prism of personal /ethnic gain (Is this not supposed to be good? Yes it is), but when selfish interest come to play; even the best of intentions get the worst results.


 It is high time we began to take responsibility for the change we want to see. It shouldn’t be "Let’s play the cards the way the others are playing...but let’s do it the way it should be done”. When national interest is put at heart, Mother Nature has a way of rewarding the soul of the quality input. It may not be immediate, sweet or smooth but the reward will come sooner or later.


In this dispensation of change, where a lot of the Buhari haters are waiting for the "I told you so " De ja vu, while the die Hard GeJites are in the "You have not seen anything yet " posture and the Buharists are looking for every form of excuses (sane or insane) to defend the child of their votes; We have to remind ourselves of the reason why we do the things we do. Is the nation's interest the soul of the life of your actions?

Oftentimes, we blame the "THIEVES" at the top and give excuses for ourselves when we act like them in our little spheres. The change mantra is not about the party but about the nation. In Achebe's timeless words "We have lost the twentieth century; are we bent on seeing that our children also lose the twenty-First? God Forbid!” Be the change in your very own small sphere, engage in developmental discussions...develop interest in national issues (Don’t be passive about political happenings).

If we don't take care of her....who will? God bless Nigeria