Today on AIT,matters arising,Port Harcourt studio reported a group supporting Jonathan on the bases of tribe(Niger Delta). I do not want the reason for this protest to be misquoted. It is not about me being a Niger Deltan,a Hausa, a calabar, a Yoruba, or any other tribe. We are one Nigeria and we are looking beyond tribality and fighting to make the country great which will result in the all round development which will benefit all tribes. It is not about subsidy removal or the retaining of subsidy,but you do not tell us to suffer and make sacrifices when the so -called leaders are not doing so.Let me not go into the budget allocation for the leaders and the luxury they are basking in;because through out this protest ,that has been one of the major strength of the citizens on the street.
My fellow citizens,we are trying to make sure things are done the right way in this country.Stop saying,it is for the future generation,which generation?it will provide more jobs,aw?when we had oil boom..more jobs no now e go come,remember we still have d same people working in this ministries and civil societies oh,The petroleum bill that will lay down the procedures for the operation of the sector,either deregulated or underegulated,has not been passed and has been in the National assembly for about 3 years.The palliatives i have heard has in no way helped issues,because majority of the business(Small scale) make use of PMS and hence increase in the cost willl virtually affect everything and when things increase in Nigeria,it doesnt come down.It pains me when i hear,it is a suffering for just now and enjoyment later..where is the enjoyment coming from?they have not been able to manage the little one they have,what gives you the assurance that they can manage more money..please let us be realistic1
Yes we might have to agree to fuel subsidy removal,but before then the system should have proved good business sense,trusthworthy,palliatives in place to reduce the pains of Nigerians at the time and then we will be ready to accept subsidy removal.The removal of subsidy is because of importing of a resource that we have the raw material in abundance,hence proper functioning of the refineries will make sure ther is no need for increase in price.Even the fact that petroluem is sold at higher price around us, is a great business opportunity..because if we can refine it in this country,we can supply it to those countries legitimately..providing more funds to facilitate develpment of the country.The youths shoul be ' the forefront of enforceing because,when your parents begin to manage under the influence of the subsidy removal,it affects our pocket money,allowances,our school fees,amount we spend in upkeep in school..which can go a long way in affecting our performances in school in a country where you get job only if you are excellent or know some1..what is now you plight.Do not be decieved by policies,we have come a long way,we now have youths that re educated and aware,hence you shouldnt be cheated again now!...haba! our awareness should help us in knowing the side to stay on.
Oh Niger deltans! do not be misled into thinking people are against your son.your son is a good man,but he has surrounded himself with the wrongest collection of aides.Please people do not turn this into an ethnic war,must we ethnicize every political issue?But Nigerians are here to inform him through protests to know those wrong decisions he has made bcause of them and advise him on what to do.An adviser that tells you to remove subsidy on thr 1st of jan,that tells you to remove subsidy without palliatives first,that doesnt tell you to answer the plight of masses after millions of people coming out to protest(are you waiting for Nigerian Harmatten-arab spring),Niger Deltans you are part of Nigeria and so handling corrption and this nation developing?every one of us will enjoy it.
I see incompentence and shortsightedness,when i hear commentators call subsidy an incentive to corruption!,is it only Nigeria that subsidizes?okay let us even agree..deregulation itself will also be an incentive because the sector will be open to all dick and harry with little or no control by the government..same business opportunity.abegi,let us face facts and do the right thing(s) and in the right order.removing subsidy does not in anyway affect corruption and thats why,our plea is not in subsidy removal but about sanitizing the system and then the right poilicies can then be effectively implemented.leave subsidy the way it is...and any dailogue above 75 naira is not allowed..anything above that is not allowed.#occupy Nigeria#(most especially in your prayers). if you want to pay above the salary that comes with it. Below is a pics that shows the salary of countries with the correspondin pump price